Building an Effective HubSpot Sales Strategy

Building an Effective Sales Strategy with HubSpot Sales

Written by: CRO:NYX Team

Published: 17 January, 2022

If you want to reach a goal you need to define it, measure it, and make an action plan to achieve it. 


We recently hosted a HubSpot User Group (HUG) with our Channel Account Manager, Jessie Gonzalez, that dove deep into sales goal setting and unpacked different techniques to utilize to improve your sales in 2022. We’ve captured the recording of the event and highlighted a few key takeaways below.

Watch the Recap: Building a Strategy for Your 2022 Sales Goals 


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Create a Vision for the Future

Goals vs Vision

Goals are the roadmap and destination that you will use to measure your progress by. They’re the KPIs and metrics that you assign and the best ones have a due date to reach them by. 

Vision, on the other hand, is the reason you’re working towards these goals. What do you actually want to achieve by reaching your goals? Having a defined vision is important for personal goal setting and is critical for corporate goal setting. 

Why Vision Matters

A strong vision will unite your team and inspire your clientele. When all stakeholders feel like they’re a part of an organization with a clear and compelling vision they want to work harder to achieve it or to spend money to support it. 

Examples of Vision Statements

“Create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.” - LinkedIn

“To be the world’s most loved, most efficient, and most profitable airline.” - Southwest Airlines

“A world without Alzheimer’s disease.” - Alzheimer’s Association

Once you’ve identified your vision, your goals should align nicely and be the KPIs you need to hit to succeed in achieving your vision. 

Company Sales Goals vs Personal Sales Goals 

Everything mentioned above about organizational sales goals applies directly to your individual sales goals. You still need a vision. 

If your sales targets are handed down from the leadership team you know what numbers you have to hit but the WHY of hitting them can’t simply be ‘because I don’t want to loose my job’. If you are aligned with the business’s vision and want to work to move the company towards that goal, that may be enough motivation. However, it most likely isn’t. You’ll need to find that greater vision for yourself. It’s not just about ‘getting more money’ – it’s why you want that money. 

  • Being able to buy your first home
  • Taking your family to Disneyland  
  • Building your savings so you have the freedom to choose to travel, leave your job, or retire when you’re ready. 

Your work goals are the same for all of these but your WHY is different and is a critical driving force to keep you motivated and focused.  

You Have Your Goals, Now You Need a Plan

Elements of an Effective Sales Plan

Value Proposition

What value do you offer your clients? You need to be super clear in what this value is so you can quickly communicate it to a prospect. How to write a great value proposition

Competitive Advantages

What sets you apart from your competitors? Do you have a cost advantage, differentiation advantage or does your competitive advantage sit in your value chain? Knowing this will help you target the right prospects with the right messaging. Read more about Value Chain Analysis

Pricing Strategy

How does your pricing strategy impact your business’s sales revenue? Are your prices set too high or too low? By using a strategy to inform the decisions you make when it comes to pricing, you’ll gain insight on how to set the right prices that not only will attract customers but will also allow you to achieve your sales goals. Read HubSpot’s Ultimate Guide to Pricing Strategies

Marketing Channels

When launching a sales plan, it’s important to be aligned with your marketing team and the efforts being made across different channels. Those marketing efforts are responsible for generating new leads from multiple different sources. This is why it's key to be aware of what those marketing channels are, how they are being used, and how they can be leveraged to communicate with prospects, new, and current customers. Read more on what Marketing Channels Brands will be Focusing on in 2022.

Prospecting Strategy 

The main area of focus when it comes to this aspect of your strategy is what steps your company should take to reach out to prospects and when to do so. Is there a criteria that the prospective customer should meet in order to be connected with? Or is it more important to reach out to as many prospects instead? What steps does your team take to connect with customers that are inbound and interacting? Are customers taken through a journey in their time with your team? Is there a strategy put in place for referrals? Read HubSpot’s 9 Keys to an Unstoppable Phone Prospecting Strategy

Actionable HubSpot Sales Tools Tips

Jessie had many great tips on how to leverage HubSpot to be more efficient and targeted in your sales outreach. Watch the video for Jessie’s great tips on how to identify and prioritize leads in HubSpot and follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter to get notified when we share these specific tactics in detail in future articles. 

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Inbound Sales Pocket Guide

Building an Effective HubSpot Sales Strategy

Written by: CRO:NYX Team

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